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Product Package Mock UP
KL POlish Zodiac Ulta End Cap
Square Booklet Several
Square Booklet Inside
Hyularoni  Zodiac flat
Gaby Zodiac 2
Kathleen 5 x 5 Zodiac 2
Melissa Zodiac 2
Alyssa Twin 2
Thomas Zodiac
Aquarius Tutorial
Zodiac Official launch


KL Polish is a beauty and lifestyle brand launched by Kathleen Lights, an influencer who specializes in nail polish. A unique guide exists for KL in that each polish collection calls for its own mini brand. For Zodiac, my job required creating an identity for the Zodiac launch. It happened that Zodiac stylings were popular at the time, so a solid way to distinguish the collection was to find a measured, high end approach. The end cap was a particularly exciting venture for this indie company given that Ulta picked up KL Polish. Photography by Paris Ellis, concept generated by myself, CEO and Kathleen.
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